Thursday, January 10, 2008

January 10, 2008 - a monumental day for me. This is my first ever blog. Everyone I know blogs. I write all the time - in a journal. I share my ideas all the time - with my friends on the phone. So, really, blogging makes sense for someone like me. I write it one time, and I can share it with thousands of people.

2008 is already my best year ever. Every year by now I have completely ditched my New Year's resolutions - sound familiar? But, this year (drum roll, please)... I have already had some pretty significant successes with my resolutions!

The great news is... Anyone can do what I did differently. It was actually small things I did that really added up to some huge successes. I love the Chinese Proverb: "The person who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."

Stick with my blog as I guide you through what I did differently this year that was so simple anyone can do it!!!


Blake and Meg said...

I'm so excited to read your blog... can't wait for another post!

Tris said...

Alisa! I am so excited and I hope you love blogging! I've only been doing it since January, so I'm new too!

Rachel Ann Carr said...

Congratulation, Alisa, on getting your blog started! I've been writing several blogs for a few years now, but not a personal one. It took the excitement of a mission to encourage me to do it for fun and so everyone could stay updated through our mission. I'll be eager to keep up with the Hancocks through your blog while we're gone!

Rachel Ann Carr said...

P.S. I love the videos at . The videos are free and show you how to add, delete and move items in your blog, change header, and add variety to your blog. The videos are great and you can't beat the price...FREE!

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